NATO Boosts Security Measures in Kosovo, Backed by Austrian Armed Forces.

The deployment of additional NATO soldiers to Kosovo is a precautionary measure to ensure that KFOR has the capabilities it needs to maintain security following our U.N. Security Council mandate, said NATO Commander Stuart B. Munsch. He also called for an end to the violence.

There are currently 273 Austrian servicemen and women deployed in Kosovo, with no Austrian soldiers injured in the unrest of recent days. The Austrian contingent has increased troop protection and is monitoring further developments in the situation in the affected regions with protected vehicles and corresponding personal protective equipment. The top priority for KFOR soldiers is to de-escalate the situation to create a secure environment as well as freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo.

“Due to its geographical proximity, Austria has a special interest in seeing the entire Balkans develop peacefully and stably. Austria has made it its goal to accompany the Western Balkan states on their way into the EU and to neutralize all negative influences as far as possible. In Kosovo in particular, increasing security stability is essential, and I, therefore, call on all sides to de-escalate,” said Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner.

Violent Riots in Kosovo

During protests in Zvecan in northern Kosovo the day before, Italian and Hungarian KFOR soldiers confronted Serb demonstrators who wanted to storm the city administration. The soldiers were attacked with stones, bottles, and incendiary devices. The Kosovar police used tear gas. According to KFOR, 19 Hungarian and eleven Italian soldiers were injured in the clashes.

Now Serb demonstrators gathered again in front of the city administration in Zvecan. KFOR soldiers erected a metal barrier and prevented hundreds of Serbs from entering the building. The situation was calm, as a Reuters reporter observed. Serbs also gathered in front of offices in other towns with the majority of Serb populations, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. No incidents were observed, police spokesman Veton Elshani said, as ORF reported.

The Austrian Armed Forces are now increasing troop protection in northern Kosovo. Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner called on all sides to de-escalate. Due to its geographical proximity, Austria has a special interest in seeing the entire Balkans develop peacefully and stably. Austria had set itself the goal of accompanying the Western Balkan states on their way into the EU and neutralizing all negative influences as far as possible. In Kosovo in particular, increasing security stability is essential. The EU condemned the recent outrages. Acts of violence against citizens, media, law enforcement agencies, and KFOR troops are unacceptable, said EU foreign affairs representative Josep Borrell in Brussels. They led to a very dangerous situation. Both parties must immediately do everything to de-escalate and restore calm, he said.

Source: Vindobona

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