Anonymous Sudan and Killnet Strike Again, EIB Confirms Cyber Attack.

In a post on their social pages, shared on LinkedIn, Anonymous Sudan and Killnet called for a DDoS attack against the EIB, which appears to be ongoing.

The EIB‘s main site is currently down, and the bank has just released a Tweet acknowledging the issue as a ‘cyber attack.’

While the two attacks could be unrelated, the timing of Anonymous Sudan’s post suggests that a DDoS attack could be underway.

The post read:

“Anonymous Sudan | KILLNET

Start a devastating campaign against the European banking sector!

The European Investment Bank is a public financial and credit institution of the European Union to finance the development of underdeveloped European regions in the form of long-term loans. It was established in 1958 with the aim of providing loans for the construction and reconstruction of facilities of interest to the European Union countries. The authorized capital consists of contributions from participating countries and amounts to 248.8 billion euros.

The EIB interconnection infrastructure has been demolished.

Anonymous Sudan | KILLNET”

Anonymous Sudan is a self-proclaimed ‘hacktivist’ group from Sudan. However, analysis by CyberCX suggests that the current hacking group is actually a Russian-affiliated group with potentially no connection to Sudan, which would explain their connection with Killnet.

The group emerged in 2023, conducting attacks against countries that opposed Sudan. The group has claimed responsibility for attacks against large companies such as Scandinavian Airlines, Tinder, Lyft, as well as several attacks on hospitals and organisations in the United States.

Earlier this morning, Microsoft confirmed that an attack which resulted in outages across Microsoft Outlook, OneDrive, and Azure was caused by Anonymous Sudan.

Source: Digit News

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